Title: The Brightest Star
Author: B. Cranford
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 13, 2017

Naturally, she did. And two years after he walked away, leaving her hurt and broke, he somehow managed to look better than ever. Of course.
She didn’t want to see him, let alone speak to him, but apparently, he wasn’t going to give her a choice.
All Sebastian Figures wanted was to talk to the one that got away…
No, scratch that. The one he drove away with poor decisions and lies, big and small.
She might have been having a bad day, but she was still the bright, beautiful girl he’d been missing for far too long. His brightest star. Still the only girl he’d ever want. If only he could convince her of that.
Is it too late to say sorry?
Sebastian wants a chance to win back Brighton’s trust—and her future.
Brighton wants to be able to move on from the past, once and for all.
But neither of them want to say one final goodbye…
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The Brightest Star is B. Cranford's first release and I definitely see a bright future in her writing career!
The book opens with Brighton Starling literally crashing into her ex/love of her life/the one that got away Sebastian Figures. They had a years-long relationship until it all came to a halt when he lost it all.
Brighton never stopped loving Sebastian and wants to forgive him but after their abrupt ending two years prior, she finds herself short on trust but wants to let him back in. Sebastian will stop at nothing to get his Bright Star back and he shows his love in many ways.
I definitely enjoyed this one! I adored Brighton and Sebastian's banter, their easy love and fun text conversations. A few things were a bit hard for me and I'll let you know what! This book is written in third person; many people don't mind it but as someone who reads a lot, it was hard to get into for me and I feel that's why it took me longer to read this book than normal. Sebastian traded one addiction for another in his ocd-like coping. I kind of wanted that touched on more, if that makes sense? Brighton didn't really know anything about it and I felt like as part of her recovery, it should have been something she was fully aware of and understood.
I loved Sebastian's relationship with his father and friends, his support system was great. Brighton being able to lean on Declan (Sebastian's best friend) and Jade in times of need. Their friendships were easy and fun to read.
Cranford's debut novel was a fun read. I found it a bit hard to connect to the characters but I'm chalking that up to third person POV and my reading preferences. It's emotional, and fun, and I think you'll enjoy it!
Author Bio
B. Cranford is a proud Australian living in the USA, a lover of books, breadsticks and bed, and the mother of two children who are far too similar to their father for her liking. A lifelong reader, she dove into the romance genre on the recommendation of her best friend and hasn’t looked back since. After three years as a blogger, she decided it was high time she finally finished one of the 12,002 books she’d started writing, and the end result was The Brightest Star.
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