Unsteady by Melissa Collins Release Day Blitz + Sarah's 2¢!

Happy Release Day!
Unsteady by Melissa Collins A stand alone, M/M romance IS NOW LIVE! Free to read with Kindle Unlimited
Grab your copy here --> AMAZON

Micah Hudson and Jude MacMillian were both lonely teenagers. One the new kid and one the target of relentless bullying, they quickly became friends. But when friendship grew into more, the relationship was too much for either to handle. As their tenuous bond was tested, everything tumbled down, leaving them lonely once again.

A decade later, Micah is on the brink of losing his will to live. Beyond exhausted from lying to everyone, including himself, Micah thinks of the one person who knows his deepest secret. Desperate and alone, Micah makes the only decision he feels he has: he must leave. But his need for closure depends on one thing.

Can Jude make room in his Unsteady life for Micah once again?

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Unsteady is Melissa Collins latest M/M standalone.  It's a spin-off of On Solid Ground and On Higher Ground but reads perfectly by itself as Dax and Beck aren't mentioned much at all.  With that being said, I kind of wish they were.  

Unsteady is the story of Micah and Jude.  They were best friends in high school, Micah helping Jude come out of his shell and into his own, and realized that they were also attracted to each other.  After severe miscommunication and distrust, Micah left Texas and life as he knew it.

We're met with Micah on the verge of a complete downward spiral.  His life is in shambles due to his severe PTSD and coming to terms with losing his arm in combat.  He doesn't know how to make heads or tails of his life so he goes back to the place he's only ever called home, Texas and Jude.

Jude takes Micah in without question.  His love never waned, but he knows Micah is keeping secrets.  Jude is easy going and takes it day-by-day with Micah until the other shoe drops and it drops in a big way.  

I love Melissa Collins M/M books.  They're real and so very heartfelt.  Melissa writes from the heart and you can just feel the emotion poured into the words and characters.  With that being said, I enjoyed Unsteady immensely.  Jude and Micah have a great story to tell.  I kind of wish, as I said before, that Dax and Beck were in the picture even a little.  Micah grows up a little and they befriend each other.  Who knows, maybe they will and we just don't know it.  I also would have liked maybe a confrontation between Micah and his parents?  That's just me.  Overall, Melissa's writing was once again stellar and Unsteady is a solid piece of reading material.

Melissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream. Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.

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