Talk Dirty to Me, an all-new second chance STANDALONE from Lulu Wright is now Live!!!
Mark Carrington already broke my heart once.
This sexy, temperamental playboy might dominate the major leagues, but there's no way in hell I'm letting him play ball with my heart again.
Until I find myself facing him down every morning on our new radio show, and his undeniable hotness starts to break down my resistance--and almost erase all the memories of how he dumped me back in high school.
We've both grown up since then, and now Mark is even more gorgeous and infuriating than ever. But I can't get away from him--not when my beloved alternative rock station depends on his sexy ass to avoid getting bought out by a greedy corporation.
But when he corners me in the production room to compliment my sexy radio voice and admire my David Bowie T-shirt, it's all I can do to keep my clothes on and my hands off of him. So I don't.
And the more I get to know him, the more I realize he's hiding a big heart behind all that swagger. And the deeper we get, the deeper I fall.
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After reading The Hard
Sell, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on more of LuLu’s work. So, when I
was approached to read Talk to Me Dirty,
I screamed a loud “hell yeah,” and dove right in. I dove in blind. I didn’t
read the blurb. I hadn’t read any excerpts. I just dove. And kinda hit my head.
You see, Talk Dirty to
Me has some major elements that I absolutely love…
My family eats, sleeps, and breathes baseball.
We are HUGE music junkies.
I grew up in North Jersey, where a good portion
of the story takes place.
My husband grew up in the city. (There’s only
one, people, it’s NYC.)
Great, right? This should have been right up my ally. I have
music, baseball, home.. But there were issues. We’re not just baseball fans, we’re
those crazy obsessed Yankees fans. And a good portion of LuLu’s story revolves
around Mark Carrington, a New York Yankees baseball player. Now, I KNOW my Yankees.
I know they are very strict in how they run their franchise. It’s not simply a
team, it’s a business. So, the face punching Mark pulled off probably wouldn’t
fly with them, unless he was THE FACE of the Yankees (AKA – Derek Jeter level
famous…) And then… then Mark grew facial hair. Yikes. The Yankees are one of, if
not THE only team, that does not allow facial hair.
You’re probably thinking, stop right there, Lauren. Who cares? … Well, I do. I’m one of those fussy, annoying people. What
can I say? We all have faults.
But that’s not all… I’m still not sure where the radio
station Rose worked for was located. Was it in NY or NJ? It did remind me of
Seton Hall Radio, which I listened to when in high school. Kind of a low budget
station that plays alternative music. That was neat. But the story seemed to
jump around a lot and there were some inconsistencies. I did have an ARC and many of those things may
be fixed by the time the book makes it to your hands.
Listen, it’s a second chance romance, and a cute one at
that. The heroine isn’t exactly your typical girl. She’s more about comfort
than fashion. She’s smart and determined, independent and doesn’t put up with a
lot of Mark’s nonsense. She also doesn’t wear bras. As a mother of two, I’m jealous
of that. If I didn’t wear mine, my boobs would probably tickle my toes. Okay,
not really. Well, maybe.
Mark is a hunky baseball player, and who doesn’t like one of
those? He’s kinda gruff and rough and doesn’t think he’s good enough. Hey, I rhymed! Bottom line, he’s sexy,
and we like sexy.
I think my issues with LuLu’s book were just that, my own. It’s
hard to read about a place you’ve grown up or a team you love and find they’re
not represented quite right. I think it may have been beneficial to use fictitious
teams (not the Yankees and the Mets, two HUGE franchises in the tri-state area.)
But over all, if you’re not a snob like me, you’ll probably
really enjoy LuLu’s second release. It’s the sweet story of two individuals
broken apart by misunderstanding and brought back together by chance. If you
dig second chance romance, give this one a try. Feel free to tell me what you
thought when you’ve finished.

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