Lily Brook works in men's underwear, but she would love to get Jack Stewart out of his.
Lily hasn't dated anyone worth writing home about for years. So when she meets the impossible and impossibly handsome Jack Stewart--well, you could say he piques her interest. It doesn't matter that he's the cockiest asshole this side of the Mason-Dixon line.
Jack Stewart is destined for success. With his designer suits, intense hazel eyes, and penthouse apartment, he's the total package. But he's also the manager of Hamilton's Department Store--the store where Lily could make or break her career. He would never fraternize with an employee. And there's no way in hell Lily would risk her job on the hottest guy in Philadelphia. Right?
But she can't stop imagining what he'd look like in a pair of Flash Fit's sexy male underwear...
He shouldn't dip his wick in the company's ink, but he can't resist Lily's curvaceous body and wacky charm. He wants Lily--in the break room, the dressing area, everywhere.
Making a move on Jack could end her career. But can Lily resist his Hard Sell?
Let’s talk rom-com:
Who loves them? Better question: who doesn’t? There’s something about a little comedy and some gooey love that makes women (and some men) swoon. We get lost in the fun and the bickering. We look forward to the next time the characters will lose their cool. We hold our breath as they fall in love and then, in-turn, screw the whole thing up. The Hard Sell is no exception. Exploring new authors is always hit or miss. There’s no telling what you’ll get. But from page one, Lulu had me. She had me!
Let’s talk Lily:
I was in love from the moment she talked about losing her wallet in the bag. I swear there’s a black hole it escapes to when it doesn’t want to be found.
“Of course, my backpack has eaten my wallet. Shit. It never matters how big or small the purse (or backpack) is, they always manage to swallow the only thing you need, right when you need it.”
She’s a hardworking, tough, crude business woman with a heart of gold. The woman knows her ass from her elbow and can dress any man’s privates in the appropriate manties. What I’m saying here is that Flash Fit, the underwear line she works for, hit the jackpot when they hired her. She now has a chance at a regional position with the company but first must prove herself by increasing sales in the swanky Hamilton’s department store, located in the heart of Philly. There’s just has one obstacle – Jack Stewart, Manager of Men’s Basics.
Let’s Talk Jack:
He’s a dick.
Okay, not really. He just appears to be one for a good portion of the book. He’s also being blackmailed by an ex he can’t shake, has a gossip hungry sister, is trying to prove himself to his to daddy dearest, and carries the nickname ‘Jack hammer’ around just like the damn clipboard he won’t put down. Oh, and he’s super sexy. Annoyingly so. He also intends on making Lily’s life hell. Sexual frustration can be a dangerous thing, friends.
Beyond the banter (which is fabulous), the story unfolds nicely. It’s obvious Jack has some skeletons in his closet, ones he, of course, is intent on telling Lily but doesn’t…
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
Let’s talk sex:
It’s crazy hot. There’s a little exploration in the bedroom, but nothing too intense. It’s a comfortable mix, for those of you who are less into kinky playtime. They’re pretty daring on the places they choose to partake in some sexercise. It actually makes the book a little steamier, causing it to stand out more in my memory.
Let’s talk ‘the end’:
This one wraps up pretty quickly. Usually I’m not a fan of that. I like long drawn out angst ridden sessions where hearts are shattered and lives are changed. This break up was more like a temporary scratch, fixed with a little art therapy and some Neosporin. But it worked.
There were a few tiny issues I had with the book: dinner magically removing itself from the oven, slapped faces that were never actually written into the story (that I can recall…) Silly things that are really inconsequential.
Do I think you should read The Hard Sell? Hell yeah, I do. We have a bright, strong, hardworking, sassy heroine and a gruff, straight-laced, gorgeous hero. They butt heads. They fall for one another. What’s not to like? Honestly, guys, add this one to your TBR list and make sure to pick it up on release day. (9/26/2016)
1 comment
Aww, I love your review! So wonderful. Now I want to read the book. And now I also wish I had an oven that magically removed dinner from it when it was done...and maybe turned itself off too, because who ever remembers to turn off the oven..really!?
Thank you <3
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