DO NOT DISTURB (Deanna Madden, #2) by Alessandra Torre Release Day Launch: Dual Review + Giveaway!



Equal parts Dexter and 50 Shades, this is the eagerly awaited follow-up to the daring erotic thriller, The Girl in 6E, by A.R. Torre.

My rules:

1. Don't leave the apartment.
2. Never let anyone in.
3. Don't kill anyone.
The rules were simple and I broke them.
Now I must face the consequences.
Everyone else must face me.



DND - teaser 2
DND - consequences

Alessandra Torre is one of our favorite authors for dark and twisty erotica.  Do not Disturb is a standalone novel in the Deanna Madden series, but we both feel reading the first book, The Girl in 6E, would be extremely beneficial. We know, because we didn’t...

There has to be a plan. I have a purpose. I am, despite all that rots in my core, a good person. 

Deanna Madden does not trust herself at night.  She needs to be locked in to keep her away from the general public, for their safety, not hers.  She's dark, depraved and strikingly beautiful; the woman makes a killing in her webcam business.  One of her new clients (Marcus) has repeatedly asked for a face-to-face meeting, and he doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.  He was recently released from prison for rape and assault and is not at all sorry for what he did. In fact, he can't wait to strike again.  He's found his match in Jess Reilly (A.K.A. Deanna Madden) and will go to great lengths to get to, and even end, her.

Sarah’s thoughts:
Everything I've read from Alessandra Torre has completely gone beyond my expectations, and I can say the same for Do Not Disturb.  I really loved how this book ended.  It was a bit slow going for me in the beginning since I didn't know everything about Deanna's backstory.  I'm truly excited to read what Alessandra comes up with next for our favorite cam girl in book three of Deanna's series.

Reni’s thoughts:
I had a rough time getting into, and remaining engaged in, Do Not Disturb. That’s not to say it wasn’t well written or executed, I just don’t think it was necessarily for me. That happens sometimes.  You may read it and fall head-over-heels for Deanna, Jeremy, Mike, Dr. Derek, and all the other completely dysfunctional characters. I found it to be way over the top. Everything was too perfect. Jeremy was too blindly understanding. I still don’t understand why he stayed with Deanna. It wasn’t for sex, that’s for sure. Mike was too helpful in helping Deanna achieve…just about anything. Dr. Derek overlooked WAY too many red flags.  And Deanna? She’s in need of much more than some rinky-dink phone call therapy sessions. It was like watching an episode of one of those shows on Investigation Discovery.  I am interested in seeing what happens in If You Dare, the third book in the Deanna Madden series – due to release November 2015. Until then, I feel pretty unsure about this killer character. I didn’t love the book; I didn’t hate it. It just was.

Maybe the damaged are the easiest to fall in love with. She is damaged. Damaged in a strange way that has silent strength – a silent, don’t-open-that-door, watch-your-back-in-the-dark strength. 

Do Not Disturb is about Deanna dealing with her everyday struggles, her inner demons, and her ability to keep the relationship/love she found in The Girl in 6E.  Deanna is one girl you do not want to mess with.  We both agree on that.

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre has written nine novels, four of which became #1 Erotic Bestsellers.

Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, became a breakout hit, rising to the top of the charts on Kindle and Amazon where it attracted the interest of major publishing houses and garnered Torre her first print deal with Harlequin HQN. Less than twelve months later, Torre signed a second print deal, this time with Redhook (Hachette) for her erotic thriller The Girl in 6E.

From her home near the warm waters of the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies.


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PLEASE ENTER THE GIVEAWAY HERE ------> a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday April 21st 9:30PM - 11:00PM EST - Facebook Party (
Wednesday April 22nd 11:00 PM - Midnight EST - Twitter party -
Make sure to use #DoNotDisturb to participate (@ReadAlessandra)

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