DEEP (Stage Dive, #4) by Kylie Scott Blog Tour: Reni's Review, Excerpt, + Giveaway!

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Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins' ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben's the only man she's ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn't looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.

Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She's his best friend's little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he's not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he's always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible...but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

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It’s over. 
It’s all over… 
How GD depressing. 

I fell in love with the Stage Dive series the moment I got my hands on Lick. There’s something about David that just does crazy things to me. Mal is…insane, Jimmy is kind of a dick – a lovable one, and Ben? Well, Ben is the best of all of them rolled into one. He’s caring - even when he doesn’t want to be, supportive (The man helped bring each of the couples in this series together.), tall, tattooed, and bearded! His only downfall? He is severely closed off.  And it doesn’t help matters that Lizzy is completely and utterly off limits. 

The man was a fucking gorgeous, bearded, bass-playing, oversize genius. My legs went around his waist and the smile on his face – shit. It was a total smirk. Just this once, he could have it, and for the record, it looked damn good on him too. 

Speaking of Lizzy… Love her. She’s bold and brash, not afraid to say things that most of us would only let live in our heads.  She loves Ben even at his most unlovable. She’s fiercely protective of the “thing” that keeps them most connected, and I love her for it. Lizzy an incredible character. It’s easy to see why so many of the other characters – like “big brother” Mal – are so overprotective of her. 

Deep provides just enough angst to keep your tummy twisting without bringing you to hair pulling, kindle throwing aggravation.  The miscommunication and sexual tension are written to perfection. Deep gives Lick a run for its money, at least in my book. 

It’s hard to say goodbye to characters you’ve grown to love. I feel like I’ve just gotten glimpse into Ben and Lizzy, and now I’m forced to let them go. Thank you, Kylie, for bringing these rockers (and their women) into our lives. I have enjoyed each and every book in the Stage Dive series.  It’s easy to mark them with a big fat MUST READ.  

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His laughter, it didn’t really sound the smallest bit amused. “Christ. You’re done here.”
“Ah, no. I’m actually not. Now see, this is where we have a problem.” I folded my arms. Then unfolded them because like fuck I’d look defensive. He was the one in the wrong, not me. “You’re not prepared to take me, or my feelings, seriously. What you want is to hide away in Mr. Too Cool for Commitment land and just play with my affections when it suits you. Okay, I’ve accepted that. But none of that means it’s okay for you to come in here and act like you’re the boss of me. None of it.”
“That so?” he asked, leaning down so that we were almost nose to nose.
“That’s so, baby.” I play-punched him in the shoulder, which it should be noted, I barely came up to. Okay, so maybe the alcohol on a mostly empty stomach had made me slightly/lots braver/sillier. “So why don’t you take your little caveman jealous tantrum bullshit somewhere else. See, I do this funny thing I like to refer to as whatever the fuck I want. Understand?”
He just stared.
“And as pretty as you are with your beard and your muscles, you are too damn tricky and . . . complicated and shit for me.”
“I am?”
“Yes, you are. Are you finally seeing my point here?”
“You bet.”
“Excellent. So take your hotness elsewhere, kind sir. I want no part of it!” Huh. I had so told him. Drunken bravado was the best. 

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Stage Dive Series Reading Order
Lick (Book One)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Play (Book Two)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Lead (Book Three)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Deep (Book Four)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

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Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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