Stay up all night with the sexy rockers in Stage Dive, the epic rock star romance series from New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott, author of Lick and Play.
As the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, whether it's booze, drugs, or women. However, when a PR disaster serves as a wake-up call about his life and lands him in rehab, he finds himself with Lena, a new assistant to keep him out of trouble.
Lena's not willing to take any crap from the sexy rocker and is determined to keep their relationship completely professional, despite their sizzling chemistry. But when Jimmy pushes her too far and Lena leaves, he realizes that he may just have lost the best thing that ever happened to him.
“Lena, you seen my old black Led Zep shirt?”
“You sure?” His brows became one dark cranky line. The scratches on his face were healing well, thank goodness. Though it didn’t reduce my desire to throttle his mother on a daily basis.
“Yes. I haven’t seen it.”
Can’t find it anywhere…”
“And this is a surprise, how?” I slipped my hands into my back jean’s pockets. “Jimmy, you own more clothing than Cher, Brittney, and Elvis, put together. Things are bound to go missing.”
“Sure you haven’t seen it?”
“For goodness sake, what do you think, Jimmy? That I stole it to sleep in or something?” I laughed bitterly. Sure as hell, the truth deserved a good mocking. I’d sunk so despicably low.
I hadn’t even meant to steal the stupid thing, but the shirt had been mixed up with my laundry a few days ago. It’d been the first top I laid my hand on after stepping out of the shower, ready to go to bed. Without thought, I’d put it on and it’d been so soft, the scent of him lingering beneath the laundry detergent. Every night since, I’d found myself in it come bedtime. My shame knew no limits. And no, I still hadn’t quit. The words still hadn’t come even close to leaving my mouth.
He frowned. “No.”
“That I have some deep secret longing to feel close to you resulting in my stealing your shirt like some creepy perv?”
“Course I don’t fucking think that,” he replied crankily, reaching up to grip the top of the doorframe. All of his bulging muscles stretched the arms of his white T-shirt in the nicest way. It was all I could do not to start drooling, my heart beat taking up residence somewhere down between my thighs. And who could blame it? Not me. Maybe if I got laid, this would go away and things would return to normal. It’d seemed safer to avoid rubbing up against any men just in case I got carried away and started dating again. This new situation, however, changed everything.
“Well, of course not! That would be crazy.” And wasn’t that the god’s honest truth? Cray-zeee. Lock me up and throw away the key because it wasn’t like I didn’t know better.
“Just can’t figure out where the hell it could be.”
Angels couldn’t have smiled as innocently. They might have tried, but they would have failed, the dirty-mouthed, winged, little liars. “Jimmy, I don’t know where it is. But I’ll look around for it later, okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, and then added as an afterthought, “and stop looking at me weird.”
“I’m not!”
Here’s the deal…
I was pretty attached to
David, the lead in Lick (Stage Dive,#1). I was almost certain no other rocker in Stage
Dive could compare. Then I got to know Malcolm Ericson in Play (Stage Dive, #2). He made me laugh - even when frustrated
with him I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Still, he was no David.
Then along came Jimmy, and
That man is something else
When Lena finds herself
fired from a temp job the last thing she expects is to get hired on the spot as
Jimmy Ferris’s sobriety companion/assistant. What does she know about that sort
of thing? Uh, absolutely nothing. As you can imagine, living with a recovering
drug addict is not exactly a cake walk, but the two tolerate one another, which
is more than Jimmy’s pervious companions were able to do. He’s a moody S.O.B.
Sexual tension? Lead has that in truck loads. This is a
slow burn. It starts as a spark, eventually flaring into a full on inferno. Be patient with these two. I promise that
their love is worth the wait – and frustration. When Jimmy swears off sex
(along with drugs/alcohol) he sticks to his guns…
He’d said the entire world was a trigger for him when it came to addiction. I now understood exactly what he meant. My heroin was six-foot-one and as gorgeous as sin. It’d taken me higher than I’d ever been before, running riot through my veins. Then, not so surprisingly, it has indeed delivered me to the gutter.
Lena. God, I love her. Out
of all the “Stage Dive girls”, she is by far my favorite. She’s REAL. She has curves and an
attitude. She’s not afraid to put Jimmy
in his place. She sees the MAN, not the
voice of Stage Dive. That is what made her the perfect candidate for Jimmy’s sobriety
companion (and assistant…) She’s a take-no-shit, tough as nails, honest, somewhat
fearless, curvaceous woman. And she wears glasses! I. LOVE. HER! I may love her more than Jimmy. Now that’s
saying something…
I hated Jimmy in Lick. Let’s be honest, he kind of made
it hard to love like even tolerate him. He kinda came across as…scum.
Lead turned that all around. We learn
more of his background story, see his determination to stay clean, and witness
his love for not only his biological brother, but all his band brothers.
Lead is more
than the continuing saga of the Stage Dive. It’s a second chance. It’s proof that people can change – that life
can be good regardless of your past. It’s about hanging on with both hands when
things get rough. And letting go when your grip is no longer enough. I loved Lead and I think you will too.
The Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott
Lick (Stage Dive #1)
Play (Stage Dive #2)
Lead (Stage Dive, #3)
Coming January 6th, 2015
Deep (Stage Dive #4)
Pre - Order
Kylie is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.
Check out more of Kylie’s work
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