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Addictive Lunacy
By N. Isabelle Blanco
Published: September 12, 2012
When I read it: June 2014
Genre: Erotica/Contemporary Romance
Pages: 91
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When Calem wonders out of the men’s room the last thing he expects to find is a tiny, gorgeous, smart mouthed blonde talking on her cell phone. He’s basically rooted in place by her mere presence. Okay, I get that. Men are silly creatures. When he finally shakes himself out of the lust induced fog which has enveloped him, the two find themselves grabbing a few drinks together and the sparks begin to fly.
Sparks turn into a tiny fire when the two begin to suck face at the bar. Suddenly Calem spews out some bone chilling information about his recent split causing Liv to put the brakes on their hot and heavy make-out session. She doesn’t write him off completely, just decides that they need to wait a little before seeing where things go. It seems like a good idea, if they can keep their hands off one another…
Raise your hand if a 12 year age difference makes you cringe. I just don’t feel like it’s that big of a deal. Okay, you’re 33 and she’s 21. Who cares?! Get over it. It’s not like she’s your student or something. The older you get, the less shocking an age gap appears to be. Calum seems to think it’s an issue… It’s not like you’re friends with her father, or she works for you. Get over it, dude!
Speaking of Calum, he has got to be the most feminine male, ever. He is constantly talking himself out of things. Says he doesn’t watch porn (or didn’t for a long time), never masturbates, hasn’t had sex in a month… Uh, who is this man? His ex must have taken his balls with her when she left. He’s waaaaay too uptight. For the love of God, he found himself uncomfortable wearing jeans! Who does that?!
The transformation Calum makes from the beginning of this short novel to the end is remarkable. He basically does a 180. He starts out this unsure, mild, meek man and ends up more of an alpha sex god. It’s almost comical. Didn’t see it coming. At all.
There were moments that didn’t make much sense to me. For example… In one of the scenes Calem is talking to his brother Lucas when his intern walks in. It turns out that she’s a family friend who grew up in France. She’s trying to shake off her accent and the use of any French phrases. Okay, fine. All is well, until Calem makes some comment about it not being a big deal because everyone around there knows how to speak French. Uh, really? Where exactly do you live? Canada? Did I miss something? Maybe I did. It’s been known to happen from time to time.
Almost everyone we dealt with knew French.
The hot parts were HOT! Keeping the two characters away from one another for as long as Ms. Blanco did only added to the already thick sexual tension. Wanting what you can’t have is so...human. Reading from Calem’s POV makes it even hotter. I wish we were privy to more of the hot, hot, hot. Addictive Lunacy ended so quickly. It would have been nice to get at least one more romp.
“Baby, I need you,” I admitted, begging her in the simplest way I could. I was in hell. Only she could save me. Release me from this prison that she’d cruelly thrown me into.
Overall, this was a fun, sexy, quick read. It only took me a few hours to whip through. It’s a good choice for a day at the beach or relaxing beside the pool – a guilty pleasure type read.
Compulsive Fascinations (Compulsions Book
#2) Coming Soon!

Genre Erotica/ Contemporary Romance
Expected Publication Date To Be Announced

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